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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pay Student Loan

What are your responsibilities as an individual? To begin with, one must adhere by laws that have been enlisted to each of us, we should by all means stay away from not paying our taxes or loans for that matter...Yes, if you have borrowed loans from the any lender under any pretext you must pay back on time as it can save you a lot of time and energy no law suits to face and no extensive interest rates to bog you down over the next few years to come. As a student your paying capacity is as good as zero if unless you have been working under any capacity and had filled in for a student loan application while some others may also do the same if their folks pitch in. Loan you must understand is meant for your convenience where you borrow money on concession that fits in your bill and then to agree to repay it after a stipulated period of time at a decided interest rate. There is a criteria for that too, where you have to give in your proof of address and the income in numbers of any earning member in the house, as he acts as a guarantor for your loan assuring the lender in a way that his loan will be repaid back in the time allotted. To know more read on.....


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